Southern Synergy Buyers Validate Birth to Harvest Value in 17th Annual Sale
The registered seedstock business in America, regardless of breed, is a combination of competing for customers while simultaneously making breeding decisions that add value through the entire beef supply chain. The Southern Synergy partners of Ogeechee Farms, Clint Smith and Smitty Lamb; and CAM Ranches, Andrew McPeake, made the decision early on to commit their breeding programs to genetic selection based on all traits. Over the years as fads and trends come and go, the Southern Synergy focus has remained the same. They trust the process. The result is documented, consistent improvement from birth to harvest in cow herd performance.
Lots 1 and 2 were, arguably, two donors with the strongest performance to sell in one sale in a decade.
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18th Annual Southern Synergy Angus Female Sale
Saturday, April 12, 2025
Offering genetics with our sale partner, Ogeechee Farms
The sale is held at Ogeechee Farms (200 Robert Johnson Road • Midville, GA 30441)
The Southern Synergy partnership of Ogeechee Farms and CAM Ranches has been one of the most reliable seedstock suppliers in the U.S. for over a decade. Join us for our next sale offering!